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Writer's pictureFr Wasswa

When Mercy and Love Meet

When Mercy and Love meet:

Fatherhood, a remedy for contemporary society

Once our Lord gathered up his disciples and said to them, “Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel…cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons” (Matthew 10: 6,8).

To the “lost” sheep, those that have strayed, deviated, wandered off, to a dangerous land. Go to those ones…

To the lost, the sinners, those who have made grave mistakes, those who need forgiveness and mercy, and love, those who have been wounded, those who need a father’s love; a father who cares, those who need affirmations, and acceptance, and reconciliation, those who need a father who cares for them. Go to those… society today is deeply wounded by the absence of fatherly care and love… instead there some who have ran away from their children and wives, alcoholics, drug addicts, oppressors, abusers, thieves, those that simply do not care… society suffers when there is a loss of leadership, guidance, and good example.

Remember that our Lord said to his apostles, “As the Father sent me, so I send you” John 20:21. The Father loved us so much (even in our sinfulness) that He sent to us His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the face of the merciful Father. And now, all fathers are called upon to be the face of Jesus, who is the merciful face of God the Father, to all those who need forgiveness and reconciliation.

This Sunday we also celebrate Father’s Day… and we wish all fathers a Happy Father’s Day. Thank you for being loving and caring fathers. Mothers give love… fathers give mercy… when love and mercy meet, the result is heavenly… and there is a practice in the Church of a priest giving his stole with which he heard a first confession, to his father… the symbolism is that his father was the one who first showed him and taught him mercy… Mercy is the essence of fatherhood… Mercy is the other name for Fatherhood… Mercy is identical to fatherhood…

St. Paul wrote to the Ephesians and said, “I bend my knees, to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom all fatherhood in heaven and on earth receives its name…” Eph. 3:14-15. The source of all fatherhood is One who proclaims Himself to be, “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” Exodus 34:6. This is the One whom St. Paul says is “Rich in mercy” Eph.2:4. Mercy is a sign of power not weakness. Mercy is a proper quality of authority…

Now, to paint a clear picture of fatherhood, let us give thought to the image of a shepherd, who goes after the lost sheep, finds it, and brings it back home…

Here is a sheep, mankind, (could be any son or a daughter) who has strayed, made a mistake, and is now in big danger… the sheep is now isolated, scared and afraid of facing the (father) the shepherd, not knowing what will happen… let us consider carefully how the father goes after this lost sheep… in this case, how God comes to meet mankind… a timeless lesson to all fathers.

In order to attract the attention of the lost sheep, God disguised Himself, and took the appearance of the sheep. Then, God approached with such a simplicity, and gently whispered to the lost sheep, “do not be afraid, it is I… “I have come to take you back home…” Only in simplicity and humility are we drawn to the mystery, until we come to taste the sweetness, the wisdom and the knowledge, the depth of mercy and the richness of God’s love for us…

The lost sheep was dirty, wounded, and bloody, eating bad pasture, living as a slave to its new master the evil one who had captured it. Then, the good shepherd, gently picked up the dirty and famished sheep, washed it in the blood of the lamb to break the curse, cleansed it in the waters of baptism, dressed it up, poured precious oil on it, fed it with bread of the finest wheat, and gave it a new name… “a beloved child of God…” Scripture says, “There is great joy in heaven over one sinner who repents,” Luke 15:7.

This is the heart of fatherhood, this is the true definition of fatherhood, “One is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.” This is what society needs today… mercy…forgiveness and reconciliation… a healing that comes from forgiveness and acceptance. I have met several people carrying deep wounds from their fathers… teenagers growing up without fathers, wives abandoned by fathers, divorce seems to be on people’s lips…families need fathers; fathers who pray, fathers who are patient, slow to anger, fathers who understand mistakes, fathers who lead, guide, and give good example.

It takes great sacrifice to be a father… it takes courage, it takes prayer, it means being in constant consultations with the heavenly father. Love is proved in sacrifice and endurance.

We fervently implore your majesty oh God, to fill the hearts of fathers with a deep love and mercy for their families, and with the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge in order to lead and guide, and to be a channel of your love and mercy.


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1 Kommentar

17. Sept. 2023

Thanks for these spiritual teachings Fr. Wasswa.

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