On the True Meaning of Prayer
What does prayer really mean? And how can one effectively and joyously pray?
Well, prayer, simply put, is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God. And when we talk about mind and heart, this constitutes one’s whole being. Therefore, to pray, is to place oneself intentionally and physically in the presence of God. In this case, prayer becomes a total submission and a surrender of one’s whole being, mind, and heart, in the hands of a superior power, which is God. There is an acknowledgment of a dependence on a superior power to which one submits and subjects himself. It is also a realization that one needs help, that one cannot fulfill certain things without the help of this superior power. Therefore, this surrender of oneself to God is an expression of humility and self-knowledge. A proud person has trouble praying because he considers himself the overall, and because he believes he can solve everything, then, no need for extra intervention, no need for God. This could be the answer to why most people do not feel like praying, they are too comfortable, self-sustenance. Until they meet a challenge that overpowers them.
When our Lord came down from the mountain of the Transfiguration with Peter, James, and John, he found the other disciples arguing with the crowd, because they had failed the examination of performing an exorcism. When our Lord intervened and performed the exorcism, he said, this could be done only through prayer. Well, was this an indication that the disciples needed more lessons on prayer? YES! Also, they needed to learn how to prayer. So then, the prayer “Our Father” is an acknowledgement of a superior power, and also, a submission, a surrender, a showing of total dependence, a subjection of oneself to the one who provides and manages all things. Prayer, then, is a true demonstration of faith in God. Placing one’s confidence and trust in God’s providence. Even when we do not get what we wanted, because God sees the bigger picture, for, he knows what is best for us, we still keep that unwavering faith in Him. Our Lord was frustrated with his disciples and said, “Oh faithless generation, how long will I endure you?” Prayer is and expression of a deep faith. I have faith; therefore, I pray. I pray; therefore, I have faith. Perhaps the disciples couldn’t perform the exorcism because they were a little prideful! No wonder because what follows after that is really interesting.
Later, when our Lord explained his true mission, that he must die as the sacrificial lamb of God, and rise again three days later, they understood none of that. They could not conceive what humility looks like for the Son of God. As a matter of fact, they were arguing amongst themselves about who is the greatest. So, our Lord had to give them another lesson on humility. And really, humility is the foundation of good and effective prayer. Humility is a disposition of one’s mind and heart before prayer. A humble person is one who establishes his position, and then God’s position before prayer. At the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, we come before Almighty God. We come in much trembling and fear, in much respect and great reverence. We must keep the awareness of the fact that we are in the presence of God. Then, that should create in us a greater reverence and respect for the Mass. And Mass is the highest prayer of the Church. The disposition of a humble heart is normally expressed through the body posture of kneeling, genuflection, and prostrating oneself before God. It is an expression of one’s nothingness before God, a total dependence, and a surrender.
You say, “Mass is boring,” “too long,” “I can’t focus,” “I get distracted,” why? Because you are not fully there. Have you tried to really submit yourself completely, mind and heart, and fail to pray? Try it, it might change your approach to the way you pray. When you enter the church, what is your disposition? Do you have the awareness of in whose
presence you find yourself? It is really about how we prepare ourselves to be in the presence of God Almighty. And how we receive him, Body and blood, in the consecrated species. Body posture is itself a prayer, because the body expresses what is on the inside. To be in the presence of God in prayer, is to, always, be aware of our unworthiness, and brokenness, and sinfulness. Then we invoke his tender mercy and compassion. Well, let us start with humility, and then prayer will become for us an adventure of a lifetime.
Peace and Blessing.
Given on the 21st of February 2023 by Fr. Wasswa